Sunday, February 22, 2015

Jordan River - photo

Jordan River - Photo How could a river, calm and still - A river I never saw - Speak like a native place familiar to my soul. Beautiful in the photo filling the screen The river's surge and flow - A path of light on its waters kept widening, And I could have touched the wood Of slender trees bent low over its banks. Hour after hour I looked back At the dark-light shift on its quiet waters. "Oh river Jordan - what are you telling me?" Swift as light from its depth a line of verse Rose straight up and I heard: "Deep and still is my love". So I turned to letters of thought and drew out these words from fathoms Down in my heart. "Deep and still is my love - Like a river - miles away yet always Found in its source - I wait for the day when I will sing with you, oh Jordan. When the muddied currents of exile No longer impede and obscure - Then as pure mountain waters, As freshwater streams restored, We will sing and clap our hands, river Jordan -Widening forever towards the light."

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Morning Light

Morning Light Step forth this day Past the yellow fig leaves Enormous and bright at their fall - Past the tall pines Letting down the early sun. Before you turn to go, look back At the leaves in the golden light. You too are in sight of the fall, Holding on each day in the dim chamber G-d has given you. Soon,very soon He will take you out, And for the first time in years That will not matter, The early light of morning Will gild your inner world As - always - it has graced your outer.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Swift Express

, Swift Express A messenger arrived swift express This morning mild October day - It sat on the wire above the fence Having its aerial say. Above the fence that divides my wall From sky and endless space, It sang out for all its worth A full ten minutes away. I stood amazed, unmoving in my place - What a lot of little noise In such a record-breaking stay! It seemed a call flung forth For better skies than ours scored thick With cries in minor key - Why else, when song was further From my life than sound is lost at sea, Did it arrive post haste and sing So long before it flew away?