Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Reckless Choice

     July 31, '13

                                 The Reckless Choice

                                           "I shall set forth for somewhere.
                                             I shall make the reckless choice..."

                  I saw a woman 'of a certain age', as they say,
                  Riding a bike in  the center of town, -
                  I said to myself - 'write that down' -
                  I also will make the reckless choice some day.
                  I'll travel in style to Tel Aviv -
                  And walk for miles by the Mediterranean -
                  I'll dance in a show with joie de vivre -
                  Or take a class in the artifacts of Mesopotania.
                  I'll spend a fabulous summer in Atlantic City,
                  Where I'll walk the boardwalk and take in the ocean,
                   I may try a casino on a wild notion -
                   Or get my photo taken on the beach "sitting pretty".
                   Whatever I don't do, I'll write in a sonnet -
                   Which is almost as good as acting upon it.

Rap Song of the Sixties

July 31, '13

                             Rap Song of the Sixties

        Ain't no way I'm gonna stay on this no-exit street -
        Move back people  -  I say move back!
        I'm comin' through on a march and high-stride feet -
        I'm takin' a radical new tack.
        People say:  "Sink on down - make no fuss!" -
        I'm raisin' a storm, man, -  I'm gonna act!
        No more sittin' in the back of the bus -
        I'm takin' a right and left new tack!
        Gonna get me some education -
        I'm talkin' 'I-V' leagues - Harvard and Yale -
        Gonna bring more justice to this fair nation -
        Ain't no way - no way! - I'm gonna fail.
        This here is my country too - I also got stakes -
        Don't be surprised if one day I get to be
                                      President of the United States.