Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Rap Song of the Sixties

July 31, '13

                             Rap Song of the Sixties

        Ain't no way I'm gonna stay on this no-exit street -
        Move back people  -  I say move back!
        I'm comin' through on a march and high-stride feet -
        I'm takin' a radical new tack.
        People say:  "Sink on down - make no fuss!" -
        I'm raisin' a storm, man, -  I'm gonna act!
        No more sittin' in the back of the bus -
        I'm takin' a right and left new tack!
        Gonna get me some education -
        I'm talkin' 'I-V' leagues - Harvard and Yale -
        Gonna bring more justice to this fair nation -
        Ain't no way - no way! - I'm gonna fail.
        This here is my country too - I also got stakes -
        Don't be surprised if one day I get to be
                                      President of the United States.

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