Thursday, August 29, 2013

Expecting the Unexpected


    July 10, '13

                              Expecting the Unexpected

     Ever since assigned to write
     On a boon least expected,
     Daily I await something unexpected -
     A gift out of nowhere - a message of light.
     But a fact it is wrongheaded not to face -
     Is that hourly expecting an event
     Is sure guarantee it will not take place -
     Something at all costs I want to prevent.
     So I stopped awaiting a gratuitous gift -
     And I did it without delay -
     Glad I made of my folly short shrift -
     Since nothing was at my door next morning but the day.
     Un-do the Deceiver who obscures the truth with stealth!
     Slay it! Slay it! - the greatest boon is Life itself.

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